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Jaywon Reacts To Pastor Adeboye’s Tweet – “Nobody Wants To Marry A Woman That Can’t Cook”


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Jaywon Reacts To Pastor Adeboye’s Tweet – “Nobody Wants To Marry A Woman That Can’t Cook”

Nigerian singer, Jaywon has weighed into the current argument about marrying a woman that can not cook.

Clergy man, Pastor Enoch Adeboye took to his Twitter page yesterday to advise men not to marry a woman that can not cook or take care of the house. This controversial statement caused social media users to argue about whether a woman must know how to cook before getting married. Jaywon has joined the celebrities to speak on the topic.

According to him, not many men can come out to say that their wives can not cook or take care of the house. He explained that anyone can cook be it the man or the woman but no man wants to marry a wife that can not cook. He added that his wife must know how to cook and doesn’t necessarily have to do it all the time.

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